Thursday, September 2, 2010

Luray Caverns

Blake and I went to Luray, VA in the Shenandoah Valley for our anniversary. It was so gorgeous. I have heard tall tales about the beauty of the Valley and upon seeing it for myself I discovered that they are not so tall.

There are several natural cave systems in and around the Valley and we chose Luray. I am so glad we did. I was in awe.

I think Blake wants his head on a pedestal someday. Or something.

I wish that Blakes cell phone camera could have capture how amazing these formations really were. Some were quite large, as high as 50 feet tall and a 100 or so feet in diameter.

Well. I think that's all my adorable blogging blaughers.

Yes, actually.

That is all.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A year.

Before I knew it, it was a year.

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Hate Everything Today

*See post title*

I just finished my Monster profile. It only took me all day. I hate new jobs. I hate scrutiny. GAH. In the midst of all this "Tell us about yourself" crap I get all discombobulated about how dismal I look on paper. Poop.

In other news!!

Here is a smattering of what I have been up to the last month:

Not much really. I have been incredibly lazy and it was everything I never knew I always wanted.

The Husband and I. After a day spent at Kings Dominion. Roller coasters, water slides, sunshine and unrivaled humidity. I looked (and felt) like a boiled hot, wet noodle. It was so worth it.

I went to DC again.

This is the creek in my yard. It's pretty.

Colonial Williamsburg. I dunno, folks. It was very touristy. Not very true to period as it advertises. If you want to see the really good museums to have to pay like $45 per person. Lame dash o. History should be free. That's the creed that I live by. I learned some things though. Like, it seems pretty lucrative to sell cheap novelties made in Japan to tourists as long as you're wearing colonial costumes.

Kings Dominion from the sky.

Anywhosiewatsits. There will be more later. Someday.

That is all.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yesterday my husband told me that he determines whether or not a pair of pants fit him by doing a high kick in them. Perfect high kick = perfect fit.

It wouldn't be as funny if he weren't completely serious.

That is all.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Movie Night


DO NOT under any circumstamces watch the movie Babel starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchet and some asion chick that likes to take her clothes off.

It will be approximately two hours of your life you will never get back and it is not worth it.

That is all.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our New House and Meteor Crater

Behold Boys and Girls. Our new (old) house. I haven't actually been to it yet, but this is where we are going to live. It's weird moving almost blindly to it, but I would move here for the yard alone. It's so pretty!

The Front of the house

The front yard, looking out from the living room

One of the four bedrooms

The enclosed back porch

The side yard, drive way and my FIL.

It's a pretty big house for just the two of us, but that just means we will have to go directly into our mass production of children. Kidding. It does mean that we will have plenty of room for you all when you come visit us! Ha! am so gratful to my in-laws for doing all the footwork for us. They drove several hours to go look at the house for us and take the pictures. I felt better knowing that our landlord is a person David has known for 20+ years.

The house is about 8 miles out of town and on 2 acres. There is a small stream the meanders through one side of the property and there are cornfields on two sides. It seems to be perfect. I can't wait to see it in real life. :)

So our cross-country move has inspired us to see everything in AZ that I have never seen. So Blake invited my Mom, Dad and Tyanne to go to Meteor Crater with us.

That is all.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Carbon. Footprints. What?

For while I have heard people talk about their carbon footprint. I had a vague idea about what it meant and a lingering curiosity about the size of mine. I found a website and calculated mine.

I had a feeling that the car part would be the biggest part of our footprint since we drive oh, 100 miles a day to and from work, but our secondary was the largest part. Meaning; I should recycle more, buy organic and stop using my bank card so effing much. I KNOW! My debit card is adding to my carbon footprint. All those darn receipts. Another thing i didn't realize, but now that I know it makes perfect sense, even the recreation you choose i.e. going to the movie, eating out, and shopping all add to your footprint. Sheesh. Luckily we are too fastidious to do those things and our recreation is usually a walk or hike. Unless we're near a Best Buy, Game Stop or Sears. Blake can smell those from about 12 miles away.

Anyhoo. I vow to compost, grow things, walk more, drive less, buy organic, and recycle. It really is a good idea, and not because I'm sooo trendy.

That is all
