I just finished my Monster profile. It only took me all day. I hate new jobs. I hate scrutiny. GAH. In the midst of all this "Tell us about yourself" crap I get all discombobulated about how dismal I look on paper. Poop.
In other news!!
Here is a smattering of what I have been up to the last month:
Not much really. I have been incredibly lazy and it was everything I never knew I always wanted.
The Husband and I. After a day spent at Kings Dominion. Roller coasters, water slides, sunshine and unrivaled humidity. I looked (and felt) like a boiled hot, wet noodle. It was so worth it.
I went to DC again.
This is the creek in my yard. It's pretty.
Colonial Williamsburg. I dunno, folks. It was very touristy. Not very true to period as it advertises. If you want to see the really good museums to have to pay like $45 per person. Lame dash o. History should be free. That's the creed that I live by. I learned some things though. Like, it seems pretty lucrative to sell cheap novelties made in Japan to tourists as long as you're wearing colonial costumes.
Kings Dominion from the sky.
Anywhosiewatsits. There will be more later. Someday.
That is all.