Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thank you, Hanie for tagging moi.

20 years ago...
1. I wondered how people could possibly believe in Santa
2. Cambria Tuttle was my best friend
3. I was fascinated by dinosaurs, fossils and The Little Mermaid

10 years ago...
1. I was hating everything about Snowflake/Taylor, AZ
2. I Had a massive unrequited crush on Bowen and Green Days Billy Joe Armstrong
3. I thought mom would never let me get my drivers license

5 years ago...
1. I was a CSR for Lovitt, Touche & Hancock
2. I was in love with my(soon to be returned)missionary
3. I bought the dumbest car ever

3 years ago...
1. I was a teller at SunWest F.C.U.
2. I lived with Hanie and Genny at Val Vista Gardens!
3. I dated a few duds

1 year ago...
1. I Lived with Sharli at Heatherbrook!
2. I was a loan officer for S.W.F.C.U.
3. I First considered moving back to Taylor
4. Discovered a love for red pepper hummus

This year...
1. I moved home
2. Got a new job that I LOVE in my chosen field
3. cut my hair shorter than its ever been. I'm still not sure why...

1. I cleaned the kitchen
2. bought some rad Halloween decorations
3. craved a Diet Pepsi more than anything. (I'm trying to quit)

1. I overslept...(whoopsie)
2. I ate some delicious delicious fresh honeydew and lime
3. I am going to watch the Emmy's!

1. I will wake up at the ass crack of dawn for work
2. I will suck some spit, blood, bits of tooth and other detritus
3. I will think about going to bed on time. (My life is exciting)

In the next year...
1. I will turn 27, and thus vow to finally date responsibly.
2. Return to college.
3. Pick up the pieces and whip my own ass into shape.
4. Go to Europe!!!

I tag everyone. Everyone, everywhere.

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