Grand Canyon. As seen from the South Rim (or was it the North....?) I don't remember because it was the longest 70 miles I've ever traveled, because it wasn't 70 miles it was 120 (thanks a lot stupid guy at the gas station that tried to tell us it was 70 miles to the canyon when it was really like 120. He also told us we wouldn't catch any fish without a guide. Heh heh heh. What a dumb ass! ...wait...). In any case, it was gorgeous, and I think that every Arizonan should behold the overwhelming beauty of the Grand Canyon.
This is a tower at the Grand Canyon. It was neat dash o.
Some random (but AMAZING!)pictures I took of the scenery around us
This was a sign posted just south of where the Paria river meets the Colorado. I took it to inspire positive thoughts about all of the trophy beauties we would catch there. Alas, we didn't catch any, and thus this piece of shit sign becomes obnoxious, and I guess a little ironic.
This is the only fish that was caught over the course of my time off, and it was caught by me, because I am amazing, at Hawley Lake Near McNary on the Rez.
This picture is an artists rendering of what the Grand Canyon/Marble Canyon area looked like at some point during the Jurassic period .

That is all.
*zero, actually.
**Dying of boredom
***Except for you Steve
† Some of you anyway.
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