This past evening I had the opportunity, nay privilege, of seeing the new 007 flick. Quantum of Solace. Pretty standard. All the quintessential Bond shenanigans complete with a Heavy capable of all manner of evil douche baggery. I liked it.
The title, I admit, I am not quite clear on. When they say "quantum" are they referring to the physics term? Radiant energy blah blah blah...Planck's constant blah blah blah times the frequency of blah blah blah...fundamental units...blah blah blah...?
A large quantity? A certain amount? of...solace?
So, by analyzing the above, I have deduced that the title means one of three things.
A. A Portion of Assuagement. (My personal favorite)
2. The smallest quantity of radiant energy brings comfort equal to the frequency of the associated radiation...?
C. Revenge and/or justice brings a large portion of comfort.
4. Daniel Craig is hot.
That is all.
Adam and I plan to see that next weekend.
Also, do you think Daniel Craig looks the teensiest bit like Brock at age 40? Or is it just me?
P.S. I like your new layout. I change mine about every six months in boredom.
P.P.S. My login confirmation word thingy was "disted." Like, past-tense of "diss." Thought you'd want to know.
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