Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Following is an actual conversation I had recently

Me (On the phone with Blake): Babe! What are you doing?

Blake: Oh, Just watching some TV. When are you going to be home?

Me: Babe, I went to Alco today. I bought something. I spent some money.

Blake: Ok. What did you buy?

Me: Babe, I bought some hair dye and some other stuff.

Blake: What other stuff?

Me: ...some make-up...(rather hurriedly and all in one breath) Don't be mad! Are you mad? Don't be mad Babe. I know you think make-up is silly, and you like me without make-up but I like to wear it and it wasn't that expensive and I know were trying save money but it was payday and we have been really good about saving and also I got my bonus and I really needed some and I like to use it sometimes. Don't be mad Babe. Are you mad?

Blake: uh... Huh hu ha ha ha. Hmmmm...

Me: Babe. You're mad hu? Hu babe. Don't be mad. I'm sorry. Don't be annoyed.

Blake: Why would I be ma...

Me: Seriously, Babe. I'm sorry. I dunno. I'm weird today. I dunno. I'm sorry. I weird, I'm crazy, I'm weird. Geez. Why do I feel weird about this. Crap. I'm weird. I'm just weird weird weird.

Then my phone dies.

Why, I ask you, has getting married and sharing a bank account turned me into a weird weirdo that questions everything I normally bought when Blake has never even said anything about anything. Why do I call Blake "Babe" all the damn time?

That is all.


Hanie said...

Maybe it's the St. John air...

adam said...

you know on over the hedge where the squirrel drinks the caffeine soda and time slows?
That's what this conversation made me think of.