Saturday, May 29, 2010

Carbon. Footprints. What?

For while I have heard people talk about their carbon footprint. I had a vague idea about what it meant and a lingering curiosity about the size of mine. I found a website and calculated mine.

I had a feeling that the car part would be the biggest part of our footprint since we drive oh, 100 miles a day to and from work, but our secondary was the largest part. Meaning; I should recycle more, buy organic and stop using my bank card so effing much. I KNOW! My debit card is adding to my carbon footprint. All those darn receipts. Another thing i didn't realize, but now that I know it makes perfect sense, even the recreation you choose i.e. going to the movie, eating out, and shopping all add to your footprint. Sheesh. Luckily we are too fastidious to do those things and our recreation is usually a walk or hike. Unless we're near a Best Buy, Game Stop or Sears. Blake can smell those from about 12 miles away.

Anyhoo. I vow to compost, grow things, walk more, drive less, buy organic, and recycle. It really is a good idea, and not because I'm sooo trendy.

That is all


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